9:00 am Coffee & Networking
8:55 am Chair’s Opening Remarks
Overcoming Recruitment & Participation Barriers
9:00 am Optimizing Clinical Operations to Overcome Participation Barriers
- Identifying key operational hurdles that affect patient retention
- Implementing solutions to simplify patient visits, such as centralized scheduling systems, coordinated multi-site appointments, and improved site accessibility
- Incorporating wearable technology for continuous data collection and monitoring, reducing the frequency of in-person visits
9:30 am Enhancing Awareness & Accessibility of Rare Disease Clinical Trials
- Navigating the challenges patients face in accessing relevant clinical trial information in rare disease communities
- Highlight successful examples where centralized platforms have effectively improved patient access to clinical trials, leading to increased participation and engagement
10:15 am Session Reserved for Medical Research Network
11:00 am Morning Break & Networking
11:30 am Exploring Creative Solutions for Minimizing Participation Challenges in Rare Disease Trials
- Identifying and discussing common hurdles to patient retention
- Introducing innovative solutions to minimize these burdens
- Highlighting the role of technology in facilitating easier participation
Streamlining Patient Recruitment & Enhancing Education in Rare Disease Trials
12:00 pm Developing & Executing Education & Resource Strategies for Rare Disease Communities
- Presenting innovative educational strategies aimed at small, rare disease populations
- Utilizing patient feedback to improve and adapt educational programs and resources
- Navigating the challenges patients face in accessing relevant clinical trial information in rare disease communities
12:30 pm Strategies for Cost-Effective Patient Recruitment in Rare Disease Trials
- Analyzing success rates and cost savings achieved through a range of patient recruitment strategies
- Implementing disease state awareness campaigns that efficiently educate both patients and healthcare professionals to reduce diagnosis time and streamline recruitment
- Demonstrating how targeted awareness efforts lead to more efficient patient recruitment
1:00 pm Lunch Break
Boosting Patient Retention During Rare Disease Trials
2:00 pm Roundtable:Ensuring Ethical & Compliant Communication Throughout Rare Disease Trials
- Introducing approaches for sharing less favourable data ethically and compliantly
- Maintaining transparency with patient organizations during challenging updates
- Managing global communication effectively, considering diverse regulatory environments
2:30 pm Optimizing Patient Engagement Throughout the Trial Process
- Understand the specific needs and lifestyles of different disease communities and how customized engagement plans can optimize clinical trial participation
- Explore barriers to recruitment, engagement and retention in rare disease trials
- Present examples of successful engagement strategies for different patient communities throughout the clinical trial development cycle
- Introduce methods for regulatory gathering patient feedback to ensure retention